Amanda Bynes offered record deal with a hip hop label: “She represents hip-hop a lot better than Drake”

Amanda Bynes offered hip hop record deal with Chinga Chang

Is Amanda Bynes having a massive breakdown or is she a marketing genius? Daniel Herman, a producer with hip hop label Chinga Chang thinks the latter, so much so that he fighting to get Amanda to sign a record deal.

“She’s phenomenal and that’s the crazy thing about this,” he told The Huffington Post. “This is the perfect home. This isn’t just a gimmick. Right now you have a Nickelodeon pop star masquerading as a gangster rapper,” he said (making a dig at Miley Cyrus?) “So I see someone like Amanda Bynes and I know she has talent. I grew up with Nick and the orange couch. I know she has talent. I’ve heard her sing when she was younger. I wanna get her in the cutting room in NYC and see what she has. Why the hell not?”

The 27-year-old is yet to sign a deal with Chinga Chang, but Herman says he’s received the go-ahead from The Orchard and Sony Entertainment.

Herman ups the ante of wooing Amanda by taking a dig at Drake. “You’ve got a girl that’s very attractive and very talented,” he said. “If you look at her actions and attitude she represents hip-hop a lot better than Drake. Musically, this girl carries herself. She is hip-hop … She is not crazy, she is not on drugs. She’s just hip-hop! She’s a great talent who is going to make some great records with some classic producers.”


If Amanda really is having some kind of breakdown, it doesn’t seem right to try to take advantage of her, but her friends continue to insist that she’s doing just fine. Drake Bell, who co-starred with Amanda on Nickelodeon told OK! Magazine “Amanda and I are close. We worked together for years. I talk to her every day. She’s a sweetheart. I had lunch with her yesterday, and she’s brilliant. She’s good and she’s healthy.”

As for Amanda’s latest antics, Bell insists that she’s just a young woman on a path to self discovery. “She’s in a place right now where she is searching,” he said. “She’s ready to be her own person, and do her own thing . . . She is a girl who is finding herself.”

Amanda tweeted about her new musical pursuits: “I’m so looking forward to recording my album and going on tour! I can’t wait to see you all at my concerts!”

What do you think? Would Amanda make a good hip hop star?

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