About that Paris Hilton show…

According to the world of television viewers The World According to Paris has been an unwanted program. Ever since its debut in June when it fell flat with only 400,000 viewers the show has been a ratings dud.

I’m kind of a Paris guy and I liken her to being the teflon don of famous for being famous so I believe she’ll be just fine but the heiress of all heiresses will have to do so without her show according to sources with Vulture. The experiment on Oxygen hasn’t lived up to the network’s expectations and they have no plans for a 2nd season of the show.

Hilton really pushed hard for this and broke her public persona face recently when she walked out of an interview after being repeatedly asked about the lack of success of her reality vehicle. But fear not Paris lovers, her ability to remain unphased and to keep on keeping on is reflected beautifully in this recent tweet:

That’s my girl!

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