Aaron Paul: Breaking Bad’s 5th and final season scheduled for July

If you for some reason are a fan of Breaking Bad and haven’t seen the conclusion of season 4 stop reading now. In fact stop whatever you’re doing and watch it for the love of Walter White! Okay now that I’ve got the spoiler warning out of the way like Gus Fring at a retirement home let’s get the latest on when we can expect to have the best drama on TV back on TV.

Aaron Paul, who will spend the rest of his career trying to get folks to not think of his unforgettably flawed character Jessie Pinkman, took to his Twitter and let some info out of the bag.



Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!!!!!! It’s a long time until July and if Paul keeps tweetin’ how awesome S5 will be I might do my own Los Pollos Hermanos impersonation. BOOM!

Anna Gunn, who portrays Walter White’s wife Skylar, said that this final season would actually be split in to two parts, ala a S5 (A) and (B). AMC has ordered 16 episodes and that sounds like just the right amount of Heisenberg to close out one of the most compelling character driven shows on TV.

Thanks for the heads up A.P.. I can’t wait.