Rufio from Hook writes loving tribute to Robin Williams

Rufio & Peter


Dante Basco, best-known for his role as Rufio in Steven Spielberg’s 1991 children’s film Hook, has penned a thoughtful tribute to former co-star Robin Williams.

Basco, an actor and self-described poet, credits Williams’ iconic role in Dead Poets Society with his early interest in poetry.

He first tweeted a tribute to Williams:


Then, he took to his blog for a more in-depth post, which reads, in part:


I was lucky to work with him as an actor and witness first hand the magic of what made him a legend, the wit and other worldly improv skills. As well as see him single handedly put the morale of a movie set, easily hundreds of people, on his shoulders and kept everyone laughing as they worked long hours for what seemed like months on end. And at the same time, I was fortunate to spend private times, many mornings in the makeup chair, (which with my tri-hawk hair took hours), just talking about poetry… And soft spoken and introspectively we would discuss Walt Whitman and Charles Bukowski.

With “Hook” and so many other films, I, like millions of others became a fan and was always delightfully surprised by the performances he managed to produce, but with his passing, I can’t help to feel, along with my generation… I can’t help feeling like it’s the death of my childhood. I guess we can’t stay in Neverland forever, we must all grow up.

But I just want to bid a sorrowful farewell to one of the greatest I’ve been able to work with and be around and I’ll always remember my time with you as some of the greatest moments in my life… and just like the rest of the world, I’ll remember you with joy and laughter.

O’ Captain! My Captain! See you in Neverland…


You can read the full post on Basco’s blog.

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