‘World’s Fattest Man’ Paul Mason – updates on weight loss and engagement
Sunday nights TLC airs a documentary series about former “World’s Fattest Man,” 54-year-old Paul Mason. He once tipped the scales at 980 pounds, but has been steadily losing weight and gaining back his life.
Paul has lost almost 700 lbs. in the past five years, found love with his fiance Rebecca Mountain, and regained his mobility and ability to travel and enjoy life. Earlier this year Paul had 50lbs. of skin cut off his body, and was finally able to fit in a movie theater seat for the first time in decades.
Paul’s originally from the U.K., but moved to Orange, Massachusetts to be closer to Rebecca, who proposed to him on The View last year. The proposal motivated him to lose even more weight. “I don’t want to go down that aisle in a wheelchair,” he said at the time. The couple connected after Rebecca saw a documentary special on him several years ago, and started talking to him through his Facebook page. She initially wasn’t looking for romance, but feelings blossomed as they got to know each other. “I have a lot of drive and just thought I could write letters and support,” she said. “Things I set my sights on, I just go and do. I just knew that I should try and help.
‘He’s incredible, a genuine person. Incredibly honest and open about the difficulties he’s been through, which helped our relationship.”
Paul started rapidly gaining weight in his 20s after his father died and his mother’s health started to decline. Eventually he had to quit his job as a mailman because he could no longer make the rounds. At his highest weight he would eat an entire package of bacon, four sausages, four eggs with bread and hash browns for breakfast. He had to have full time health care workers look after him, and required a forklift to get him out of his home for a 2002 hernia operation.
Unfortunately, after being together for over two years, and being engaged for 18 months, Rebecca and Paul ended their engagement as of July, 2015. Rebecca says she felt that although she initially thought they had similar goals, it’s become apparent that they are in different places in their lives. She vows to continue to support Paul and help him in his journey. It’s unclear whether or not Paul will stay in the U.S. or return to the U.K.
Rebecca wrote on his official Facebook page: “I don’t regret anything and still smile when I think back to when we met and our experiences together. Paul has achieved what few people in similar situations are able to do. To date he’s lost 700 pounds, and gone from bed bound to walking without so much as a cane. He’s inspired others and plans to continue reaching out to encourage and support those who are working to turn their own lives around. Well done Paul!”