VIDEO We’ve all been this girl getting fired by Farrah Abraham


We feel your pain Kiana.

This week’s previews for the upcoming episode of Teen Mom include a brutal exchange between Farrah Abraham and her (former) employee at Froco. Farrah strolls into the back and asks a girl named Kiana to come sit outside so they can discuss in public the issues she’s been having trying to do her job at Farrah’s frozen yogurt establishment.

Here’s the whole thing as Farrah fires Kiana while managing to never remove those wacky spiral shades:


Farrah: Alright. Let’s talk really quick… Okay, so Friday night what had happened there?

Kiana: I just couldn’t get the part that was still hot yogurt in it on. I just got super frustrated.

Farrah: You need to be more in touch with yourself to know, “Hey, is this something I’m going to get frustrated with? Can I do this?” You have to be allowing to open up yourself to be like, “How can I do this different because what I’m trying is not working?” Even like with the can opener you’re like, “Oh, I can’t get this done.” Like, Kiana, how am I supposed to have a manager here who cannot simply open things, clean up after themselves, figure things out. I can’t have that.

Kiana: I’ve never been mistreated like this. Like, I’ve always…

Farrah: Mistreated? By me?

Kiana: Yeah, like I…

Farrah: Okay. So if I’m being mistreated to you.

Kiana: I just feel like you’re telling me it’s all my fault…

Farrah: No. I didn’t.


Kiana: You showed me one time how to clean the machine. You didn’t give me an opportunity to…

Farrah: Fine, Then don’t clean up.

Kiana: I just feel like you’re passing blame onto me…

Farrah: There’s no blame. There’s no blame.

Kiana: But you’re sitting here…


Farrah: You can blame me. It’s my fault. Let me tell you what, it’s my fault and you should not have worked here so you can blame that… I think it’s best that you put your uniform in the office, you will receive your pay for tomorrow. I’m severancing the relationship because it feels like there’s not an open-mindedness and I don’t need to argue…

Kiana: Ok, you’re saying we don’t need to argue but you’re the one sitting…

Farrah: Ok, I’m done. Ok?

Kiana: I’m done too.


Man… Perhaps Farrah had some legit beefs here but this sure didn’t seem like the best way to go about canning Kiana. All I can tell you Kiana is that just about all of us have been there. We’ve come across the wrong job at the wrong time working for the wrong person and it can really be frustrating. It gets better. I promise.

UPDATE: Farrah let us know she has no regrets about her managerial decision:

Let’s hope Sophia is a little more understanding when she goes about firing folks from her clothing boutique.

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