VIDEO TV show’s Mother’s Day prank on teen is an abomination


A TV show has apologized after it pulled a thoughtless and cruel Mother’s Day prank on an unsuspecting teen.

The Cambodian show “Penh Chet Ort (“Like It or Not”) had 13-year-old singer Autumn Allen as a guest Sunday during a special Mother’s Day edition. Allen reveals on stage that she hasn’t seen her mother since she was 6 years old after she left the U.S. for Cambodia with her father.

Autumn was told by the hosts that they were making her dream come true and that her mother was waiting off stage. Before her “mom” came out Allen got tearful as she shared precious memories of her mother from when she was a young child.

When it was time for her to finally see her mom it was, instead, some dude stupidly dressed up as a woman prancing around as the pair of hosts, the strange folks sitting at a table in front of the stage and audience members heartily laughed.

Since that time the show and just about everybody associated with it has apologized for the impossibly ignorant decision. Allen wrote on Facebook, “A mistake happen and I have forgiven them. Thank you for every one supports. Please find it in your heart to forgive them too. Love, Autumn.”

Nope. I can’t do it Autumn – you’re a better person than I am.

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