VIDEO Rob Gronkowski freestyle raps in Georgia bar, gets booed offstage

Gronkowski party


New England Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski is known as a fantastic player. He is also a noted goofball and fun-loving fellow. He brought the #1 Party Bus from Massachusetts to Super Bowl 49 in Arizona, where he partied with friends and fans alike, paused just long enough to catch six passes for 68 yards and a touchdown in the game, and resumed partying after the Patriots’ win. The man is super-talented in the ways of silliness and footballery.

But when Rob Gronkowski freestyle raps, the results aren’t so great. Gronkowski spent the weekend down in Savannah GA, and stopped by the Warehouse Bar & Grille while there. There was a house band, and there was an open microphone, and Rob Gronkowski could resist neither. So here’s footage of perhaps the best tight end in the NFL rapping over a non-existent beat.

(And, before you watch, keep in mind that the Warehouse Bar & Grille advertises “the coldest cheapest beer in town.” Helpful information.)



The line about “chicks as hot as crocodiles” drew laughs and groans in equal measure, which sounds about right. There’s a weird, almost accurate poetry to it–but “almost” is the operative word here, because crocodiles are cold-blooded, and it seems unlikely that Gronk was going for some deeper meaning.

Also of note? Rob Gronkowski freestyle rapping while holding, and not playing, an electric guitar. That means he took one of the band member’s guitars away to use it as a prop. Gronkowski’s a good showman.

The New England Patriots resume training camp exactly one month from today, on July 30th.


(Photo credits: WENN; Rob Gronkowski freestyle via Instagram)

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