VIDEO Jeremy Renner secretly weds Sonni Pacheco


Jeremy Renner has confirmed that he is married to model Sonni Pacheco.

The 43-year-old Bourne Legacy star verified the news during an interview with Capitol File magazine. Pacheco is the mother of Renner’s daughter, Ava Berlin, born March 28, 2013.

Renner explained why he’s kept his marriage a secret and why the pair maintain a very low public profile:

“I have tried to protect my family’s privacy, my wife’s privacy. I don’t need her to get hammered with my life. Privacy issues are important because I want her to go about her day without being bothered… It’s annoying being followed [by the paparazzi] when I’m with my family. It’s not just me, everyone [in Hollywood] has to deal with that. I’ve been talked about a whole lot, because the less I put out there, the less people know, and it makes it interesting, I assume.”

In addition to verifying his taken status, Renner talked enthusiastically about being a dad:

“It’s the best thing I have ever done—doing it later on in life. By then I achieved a lot of things that I wanted to achieve; I’m so blessed for that. Now I can really spend time with the family. The only thing I think about when I’m not with my baby is, How do I get to my baby? I need to get to her, and I’m very miserable when I don’t see her. I really love being a father.”

Congrats to Jeremy and Sonni on the good news!

Here’s a rare clip of Mrs. Renner modeling:

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