VIDEO Hysterical Kristen Bell may increase sloth sales for Valentine’s Day

Actress Kristen Bell sat down with Ellen for a little chat and brought with her one of the funniest celeb freak out videos I can recall.

Kristen’s fiance, actor Dax Shepard, for whom I’ll always remember as the Ow My Balls, “go away batin,'” guy from Idiocracy knew that nothing would please his wife more than a little time with a sloth. It was a beautiful and strange 31st birthday gift but poor Dax could not have been prepared with the fetal position, panic attack freak out that was to come.

Check it out (full on losing it comes in at around the 2:00 mark)!

The look on Ellen’s face when she fools the Veronica Mars and Gossip Girl vet into thinking that she was about to bring a sloth out on to the stage is priceless. Kristen starts sloth-crying again and Ellen just can’t help herself from laughing. Watching this clip, neither could I.

Kristen said of the sloth love:

“I didn’t know how to process that because my entire life had been waiting for this moment where I would get to interact — I’m serious! — with a sloth.”

She added:

“I was sitting on my bed, knowing that my sloth is here, and I start to have a full-fledged panic attack. I don’t know how to compete with all this emotion so I just kind of crawl up on the bed and I’m crying so hard,” Bell says. “Dax knocks on the door and he has a video camera and he’s like, ‘Surprise! I want you to come out into the . . . are you alright?!’ And he sees me basically fetal on the bed.”

There you have it gentlemen, you best forget the chocolates and flowers and get your hands on a sloth! And hey, I wouldn’t leave you hangin’ around like a sloth with this advice, so if you buck up and want to go “full sloth” for your gal you can find what you’re looking for here.

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