The Hero contestant Lydia Callins photos, bio, Twitter and Facebook links

Lydia from The Hero

TNT along with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson are ready to unleash the heavily promoted show The Hero tonight. The reality-competition series is billed as:

“An epic competition testing the strength, courage, and integrity of a diverse group of nine individuals. Each week, the contestants will be tested, physically, mentally, and morally, as they try to prove that they truly deserve the title of “The Hero” and the life-changing grand prize that goes with it. With temptations around every corner, America watches to see what the contestants are willing to overcome, undergo, and sacrifice on behalf of themselves and others. In the end, it’s America’s call on who will be ‘The Hero.'”

One of the nine brave souls looking to be The Hero is 31-year-old Lydia Callins from Los Angeles, California. Here is the writer and personal trainer’s bio information as well as her introductory Q&A and video from TNT. Also included are Lydia’s social media links.


Lydia works as a personal trainer/fitness instructor. During the day she helps people get in shape, while at night she loves to write. Growing up in foster care made her tough inside and out. Lydia knew that attending college and graduating would be her ticket to a better life. She then boxed competitively for four years, which prompted her career in fitness. In addition to teaching fitness classes, she is a fighter and mentor for the non-profit organization Knock Outs For Giving.

What do you think it means to be a hero?  To be honest, have integrity and courage and to be selfless.

What’s the most important quality that a hero must possess?  Heart.

When did you first realize you have what it takes to be a hero?  I was born with all the components that make up a hero; it’s in my DNA.

What’s your biggest strength?  My confidence and tenacity.

What’s your biggest weakness? Lack of patience and standoffish demeanor.

You vs. The Rock: What would be the outcome?  I would get a sucker punch in, and then run away.

If your life was an action movie, what would it be called? “The Unbelievable Adventures of Chena.”

What are three things you couldn’t live without? Music, books, and the gym.

What’s your biggest fear?  Being stranded in the open ocean.

The Hero contestant Lydia Callins

Describe your most hero-like moment. Waking up in the middle of the night without an adult present, knocking a charring pot off the stove at the age of three, saving my brother and myself from dying from smoke inhalation.

What’s your guilty pleasure?  White chocolate.

What accomplishment in life are you the most proud of? The completion of my first novel “Chena the making of an Orphan.”

What’s your biggest motivator? I am self-motivated. I am also motivated by a challenge or when someone says I’m not good enough or can’t do something.

Who’s your hero? Oprah, Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

What would be your theme song?  “I Will Survive.”

Why did you want to be on this show?  To prove to myself that I am a hero and to inspire others to be the best person that they can be.

What gets your adrenaline pumping (e.g. are you a skydiver? Whitewater rafter? Afraid of public speaking, etc.)  Adrenaline pumps when I have to face any challenge, whether that’s getting in the ring, or performing in front of others, I use that energy to deliver and succeed.

Lydia Callins of The Hero

Lydia’s social media links:

Official Website –
BlogFashion Fitness and Fun

Good luck to Lydia! The Hero premieres tonight on TNT at 8/7c.

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