The Bachelorette’s Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum welcome baby boy

Ashley Hebert - JP Rosenbaum Baby

It’s a boy for The Bachelorette‘s Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum! Proud dad J.P. confirmed the pair welcomed son Fordham Rhys Rosenbaum on Tuesday morning.

“Both mom and baby are doing great and we are so so happy to welcome little Fordy to the world,” J.P. told Us Weekly.

Describing his son as the “cutest little baby on the planet,” J.P. added Fordham weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz, and measured 18.5 inches. (No word on whether the parents are fans of Fordham University or just of the name.)

Ashley and J.P. seemed both prepared and very ready for their son’s arrival: Her last Instagram post was a cute picture of her sizable baby bump. She commented, “This has to be the last weekend!!?!!?”

While awaiting baby Fordham’s arrival, the first-time parents kept busy by stocking up on cloth diapers, setting up an adorable nursery and taking a Newborn 101 class. Ashley even described J.P. as a “master swaddler.”

On top of it all, Ashley and J.P. recently relocated from New Jersey down to Miami. Despite that added stress, Ashley said she was keeping focused on the ultimate goal of having a healthy baby.

“I am most looking forward to spending some quiet, quality time with my little baby boy and my big baby boy,” she told People in July. “I’m not sure if it will all happen as peacefully as I imagine, but I can’t wait to find out!”

Congrats to the family!

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