
Fashion victim Ke$ha upstaged by dancers on the Today Show

“Tik Tok” singing pop star Ke$ha has received a ton of negative press for her questionable fashion choices, but during this morning’s Today Show performance in NYC she had an answer: have her dancers wear the most ridiculous get ups imaginable! Amazingly, I think her plan worked!

See the golden show-ers in all their spandex glory, videos of all three songs, a still shot of a woman way too old to be into Ke$ha rocking out, and a very uncomfortable kid dancing.

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Who is Ke$ha’s new boyfriend Alex Carapetis?

Ke$ha made her way to Chicago for Lollapalooza and along with her usual odd fashion choices she sported some new crunchy arm candy. The bearded rock-star looking guy is Alex Carapetis from Australia. So just who is this new man who’s love is Ke$ha’s drug? Lets find out about our mate from the land down under and what sources had to say about how serious the two are getting.

Bonus: See a twitter pic of a heart tattoo on Alex’s hand that could possibly be a symbol of his Ke$ha affection!