Shirley Manson schools Kanye on respect, Beck still loves Kanye

Kanye has turned trying to steal awards for Beyonce into a sideshow. Beyonce is doing fine for herself and doesn’t need to commandeer awards won by Taylor Swift, Beck, or anyone else. There will always be a difference in opinion about who deserves certain awards, and the end result is always a bit arbitrary, but ultimately people will listen to who they listen to, and love who they love, and Beyonce gets a staggering amount of love and listens regardless of how much medal she has lining her walls.

Shirley Manson agrees, and thinks Kanye’s showboating is disrespectful to Beyonce, and everyone else in the music industry. “I am pretty certain Beyoncé doesn’t need you fighting any battles on her account. Seems like she’s got everything covered perfectly well on her own,” Mason wrote in her Facebook letter directed at Kanye.

“It is you who is so busy disrespecting artistry,” she said in regards to Kanye’s comment that Beck should give his Grammy to Beyonce out of respect for artistry. “You disrespect your own remarkable talents and more importantly you disrespect the talent, hard work and tenacity of all artists when you go so rudely and savagely after such an accomplished and humble artist like Beck. You make yourself look small and petty and spoilt.

“In attempting to reduce the importance of one great talent over another, you make a mockery of all musicians and music from every genre, including your own. Grow up and stop throwing your toys around. You are making yourself look like a complete tw@t.”

Beck himself seems to be taking the situation in stride. He thought Bey was gonna win. “Come on, she’s Beyoncé!” he told Us Weekly. And he still loves Kanye. “You can’t please everybody, man. I still love [West] and think he’s genius. I aspire to do what he does,” Beck said.

Do you think Kanye would take his own advice, and give Beyonce a Grammy if he won over her?

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