
Read love notes between YaVaughnie Wilkins and Charles Phillips


Oracle chief Charles Phillips may now be back with his wife Karen, but thanks to a billboard campaign, the truth is now out that he spent 8 years sending sappy love notes and singing bad karaoke with YaVaughnie Wilkins. This wasn’t merely a case of a horndog in overdrive a la Tiger Woods, this is one of those affairs of the heart.

charlesphillipsyavaughnie1Read some of the sweet notes YaVaughnie posted on charlesphillipsandyavaughniewilkins.com where he types her things like “I can’t live without you,” and “It will all work out” on purty rose-adorned stationary.

Phillips may be embarrassed about admitting his affair to the world, but he should also be embarrassed by his taste in romantic gestures. This stuff is cheesier than cheese, this is straight-up “processed cheese-like product.” But just like Velveeta, a lot of people are into that kind of thing.

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