PICTURES Before and after Snooki’s hot body transformation

Snooki before and after

Snooki’s devoting more time to the “G” in GTL than ever before… And the results are seriously impressive! In addition to shedding 45+ pounds from her petite frame, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi has built some lean muscles.

“It wasn’t easy. I’m still working my a$$ off, but it’s all worth it,” she said in a January interview with People. “I’m now motivated and I want to change my body. It’s a good feeling to work out because I feel much better. Plus, my guy Jionni likes it.”

During an appearance on Dr. Oz last month, Snooki, who became a new mom last fall, revealed she has worked out “on average” seven days a week since Halloween of last year. With an intense regimen of heart-pumping plyometrics, she’s melting calories while toning her muscles.

Snooki Workout Wednesday

In addition to working out, Snooki’s also learned to keep a closer eye on what she eats. Aided by packaged meals from Fit Food Express, she doesn’t drink as often… Which is saying something for a woman who made a name for herself with drunken antics on the Jersey Shore boardwalk.

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