PHOTOS Jill Dillard and Derick Dillard recreate kiss picture, share ultrasound pictures

Derick Dillard and Jill Dillard Kissing

Well, most of us saw this coming: Following sister Jessa Seewald and her parents’ cue, Jill Dillard participated in her own “happily married” kissing picture with husband Derick Dillard.

Derick was actually the one who shared it on Instagram. He submitted it without comment, but posted two related comments on Twitter…

The Dillards also shared a pregnancy update video on TLC last night.

“We’re really excited, so we wanted to share that with y’all as well,” Derick said while holding up ultrasound pictures. The proud parents then went through the pictures and pointed out where you can see the baby’s foot, his profile and how you can tell he’s a boy.

Despite battling pretty intense morning sickness in her first trimester, Jill said she’s feeling great now.

“I’m feeling some kicks now,” she said. “I actually got to feel him move a couple times this week and you got to feel him move first, actually.”

“Yeah, I had to give him a little squeeze, but then he kicked back,” Derick said. “That’s really exciting.”

Baby Boy Dilly - Jill Dillard

During a recent interview with Focus on the Family, Jill said she’s preparing to be a mom by trying to be healthy for the baby and doing devotions. Derick said he’s doing whatever he can to feel equipped — especially because he’s never changed a diaper — and is working on being the best “spiritual leader” for the family.

The pair also talked about some of the less-than-encouraging things they’ve heard about marriage and parenthood. Derick explained, “People were saying, ‘Oh, well, you just wait. You’ll get through this honeymoon phase.”

Jill added, “We’re like, ‘What is that supposed to mean?’ … I think that when people figure out you’re expecting a lot of times, they see a belly and their like, ‘Now I have a right to share every horrible story that I can think of.'”

Baby Boy Dillard is due in March 2015.

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