Perez Hilton proposes a media wide #KardashianKleanse, Kim threatens to remove him from her app


Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton made it big when he began reporting the escapades of celebutantes like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian back in the 2000s. Now, Perez is changing his tune, and calling on all media outlets to join him in a week-long Kardashian cleanse.

Earlier this week, Perez took to Twitter in an effort to rally the troops and gain support for his initiative:


While many news outlets have joined in, not everyone is so excited about the #NoKardashiansForAWeek movement. Kim showed her disapproval by unfollowing Perez on Twitter. I know what you’re thinking: What’s the big deal, right? When you consider Perez’s job, though, it’s a huge compliment to have the biggest presence on social media following you, and an unfollow is a major diss.

Like most criticism he receives, Perez took it all in stride, tweeting:


But Kim wasn’t done retaliating just yet: two days after Perez instigated the #KardashianKleanse, Kim proposed removing him as a character from her app.


Not to be outdone, Perez responded by calling Kim’s move smart: 

Perez, though, isn’t backing down. Shortly after the above post, he shared a pic of all the people who are off-limits during the #NoKardashiansForAWeek. As you can see, the list includes spouses, friends, and exes of any and all Kardashian-related people:

Next week is bigger than it first seemed! It’s an important kleanse! Committed to this!!!! #NoKardashiansForAWeek

A photo posted by perezhilton (@perezhilton) on

Most have attributed the start of the #KardashianKleanse to Orlando anchorman John Brown, who made headlines last week when he walked off set in protest of discussing the Kardashians—specifically, to a story about Kylie Jenner’s new rabbit Bruce.

At the time, Brown ranted “I’ve had enough Kardashians. I can’t take anymore Kardashian stories on this show. I’m sick of this family. It’s a non-story! We’re talking about the family every freakin’ day on this show. Nobody cares about this family anymore!” He has since addressed the indecent by claiming it was all in good fun and explained he has a sarcastic personality:

Nonetheless, his rant prompted the media to take a step back and re-evaluate their coverage of the Kardashians–and Perez is simply doing the same.



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