‘Music by Prudence’ director Roger Ross Williams interrupted again, by Larry King

Director Roger Ross Williams, who was interrupted during his Oscar acceptance speech for Best Documentary Short by Elinor Burkett (the “Female Kanye”), was given the opportunity to finish his speech uninterrupted on Larry King Live. There was only one problem: Larry King interrupted him.

Read more about Elinor Burkett and her Kanye moment here.

Larry spoke with Williams briefly about his film and then gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse, to give his speech uninterrupted. Williams stood up and began his speech as if he were at the Oscars, until he went into an awkward silence very near the end because a staff member cut him off. Larry tells him to come back around, that they only have 20 seconds, and gets him to paraphrase the two sentences he had left. Awkward! If the staff member had read the speech (which has been posted all over the internet), they would have known that Williams was almost done, and he wouldn’t have been interrupted for a second time. If only . . .

Here’s the full speech:

“Thank you, Academy. Thank you, Sheila Nevins, Sara Bernstein, my producer Elinor Burkett and my incredible crew.

And my mother Betty… she got on a plane for the first time in her life to be here – I love you, Mom!

And Prudence Mahbena…

Prudence was born in a country that despises the disabled. Prudence, you had nothing… nothing but spirit, intelligence, and talent. And with your band Liyana you touched us all.

(Larry cut his off here, with only about two sentences left.)

Liyana means It’s raining, which in Zimbabwe is a gift from God.
We don’t always recognize the gifts we get and Prudence, I’m so very happy to be a part of recognizing you tonight.

I love you!!”

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