LINKS Topless Hillary Clinton, Farrah Abraham’s Amazing Mothering, Racist NFL Goodness…

Hillary Clinton Effigy

JEZEBELSome Guy Just Hung a Topless Clinton Effigy, In Case You Doubted This Election Could Get Worse

REALITY TEAFarrah Abraham’s On-Again Off-Again Boyfriend Discusses Her Parenting Skills; Daughter Sophia Joins Cheerleading

VERY SMART BROTHASThe NFL Is Sociopathic And Racist Trash. But Keep Watching, And Know You’re Watching Trash

THE BLEMISHSorry Peru, Kurt Cobain Is Still Dead

DLISTEDAmber Heard’s Divorce Actually Cost Her Money, So Says Her Friend

CELEBITCHYMiley Cyrus’ advice: ‘Be Bernie Sanders. Be the person people want & love’

THE SUPERFICIALAlexis Arquette Was Going To Out Everyone In Hollywood

(Photo credit: Topless Hillary Clinton via Robin L / ZUMA Press / Splash News)


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