Kate Gosselin’s sister: She doesn’t speak to family

Kate Gosselin - Sister Kendra Wilber

Jon Gosselin isn’t the only one on Kate Gosselin’s black list.

“Kate does not speak to her family at all. It is very painful,” sister Kendra Wilber told the Daily Mail of Kate’s relationship with her five siblings. “I guess we weren’t totally on board with what was going on with the kids, I guess we weren’t excited enough for her and were concerned about her family.”

Kendra said she is still reluctant to say anything negative about her sister, but hoped speaking out would prove to the Gosselin children — if and when they try to learn about their extended family — that she attempted to stay in contact.

“We’ll have to tell them we tried to get hold of their mom, we tried to be part of their life, but we weren’t allowed to be. We didn’t leave her, she left us,” Kendra said, adding her brother is in the same situation. “It’s terrible because my children, their cousins, talk about them and wish they could see them. We have our memories from years ago, but we have no contact.”

Although Kendra said she isn’t sure why Kate cut off communication with her, the foundation of Kate’s feud with brother Kevin Kreider is more obvious: Kevin and wife Jodi Kreider testified against Jon and Kate in 2010, saying the couple was harming their children with unfair conditions on their reality show. Kevin explained in court that the children’s “daily routines revolved around the needs of the designed episode, rather than having the crew just follow around their normal routine.”

At the time of Kevin and Jodi’s testimony, mom Charlene Kreider defended Kate. However, Kate and Charlene’s relationship deteriorated by the following year when Kate tweeted her “family is less open-minded.” She added at the time that she would consider a “reunion of sorts” with her parents because her children “keep asking” about their grandparents. Kendra now says that “reunion of sorts” never happened.

One former friend explained Kate’s hostility extends beyond family members.

“Kate is incredibly charismatic and there were a lot of people who were drawn in and willingly laid down their everyday lives for those kids. None of them have any contact with her now,” the unnamed source told the Daily Mail, adding she voluntarily babysat for the sextuplets when they were babies. “There’s a trail of a lot of hurt people in her wake. I don’t know if Kate even cares about that.”

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