Did Josh and Anna Duggar have baby No. 4 yet?

Josh and Anna Duggar Fourth Baby



Josh and Anna Duggar announced the births of their first three children with big media events and lots of publicity. It doesn’t seem that will be the case with their fourth child — who may have quietly arrived by now.

Although most people in the Duggar family has been silent on the subject of GrandDuggar No. 4 since the molestation scandal broke, we know Anna is due today from one of sister-in-law Jessa Seewald’s recent comments on Facebook.

“Her due date is July 10th, so getting close,” Jessa said on July 1. “She has gone a little early with all 3 so far, so we’ll see if baby #4 will do the same!”

Any evidence that the baby girl arrived is just circumstantial and entirely rumor-based at this point….But, for what it’s worth, there is speculation Jill Dillard stayed around long enough to assist with Anna’s delivery before leaving for her mission trip last weekend. That timing would also work out because Josh, Anna and their family could live in the house Jill and Derick occupied before departing.

We don’t have any more clues from Josh and Anna, who haven’t said anything on social media since mid-June, other than the fact that being occupied with a baby would explain the extended silence. (It’s more likely because of their ongoing scandal.) When they do announce the birth, I believe it will be with a post on the Duggar Family Official Facebook page — not with the People or Today Show reports used for past babies.

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