Hulk Hogan to marry daughter doppelganger


Hulk Hogan has obtained a marriage license in Florida with the intent to wed his fiance Jennifer McDaniel who happens to look eerily like his famous daughter Brooke.

Hogan, real name Terry Bollea, and McDaniel have until January 11th to tie the knot or the license will expire.  Hogan is following in the footsteps of his ex-wife Linda Bollea who is engaged to Charlie Hill.  After the two’s acrimonious split they went straight for the younger stuff as The Hulkster’s (56) wife  to be Jennifer (35) is 21 years his junior while Linda’s (50) boy-toy Charlie (21) is a whopping 29 years younger.

Perhaps even more disturbing than the age differences is the similarity that Hogan’s wife-to-be has in appearance to his daughter Brooke.  As you can see in the above photo Linda is a dead ringer for a little bit older version of Brooke.  There’s just weirdness all around this whole thing but you got to love it.

These Hoganses could get back in the reality game if the two couples moved in together and their younger spouses went out partying with the kids.  You read it here first folks!

Top Photo: Newscom

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