Clint Eastwood saves man from deadly cheese while at golfing event


Not to get too cheesy on y’all, but the following story of Clint Eastwood’s heroics just might choke you up!

83-year-old living legend actor and director Clint Eastwood is participating in this year’s Pro-Am at Pebble Beach in California. While attending a dinner on the eve of the big event in honor of the volunteers one of the coolest dudes around kept his cool when he noticed a man choking to death.

Steve John, a guy with two first names and the executive director of the event, was enjoying a little bit of the finger food when a piece o’ cheese lodged into his throat like a buried bunker shot from Phil Mickelson. Eastwood jumped into action, because he’s freaking CLINT EASTWOOD, and performed the Heimlich maneuver on John.

Here’s Clint explaining how it went down (imagine him in a dimly lit studio with only half of his face revealed and that intense gravely voice as you read this – it somehow makes it even more awesome):

“I saw that look in his eyes and saw that look of panic people have when they see their life passing before their eyes. It looked bad…I gave him three good jolts and that got it out. And then I made him drink a big glass of water with a bunch of lemon squeezed in it.”

John, or is it Steve…, shared what transpired as well after having learned a valuable lesson that it’s always wise to have Clint Eastwood around to watch your snack-back.

“Clint came up behind me and he knew exactly what to do. He did the Heimlich maneuver and he lifted me right off the ground. He’s strong! The cheese popped out and I was fine.”

While this was the first time that Eastwood had performed the life-saving maneuver on someone, it wasn’t the first or last time he’s done something totally cool.

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