Basketball Wives’ Tami Roman suffers heart attack

Basketball Wives Tami Roman

Twitter is an amazing thing. You can actually get the before and after of a reality star having a freakin’ heart attack!

Tami Roman of Basketball Wives fame made the following tweet while watching her own show and before hittin’ the hay:

All of that seemed pretty innocuous enough until the ex wife of baller Kenny Anderson explained exactly why she wasn’t feeling so well the next day. She tweeted:

“Thx 2every1 for the get well wishes. Never thought I’d have a mild heart attack at 41. God has a way of bringing things into perspective. Finally going home 2my kids-heart meds and all”

Yikes! Tami had a mild heart attack, forget the blogging girl needs to get away from the social media. Actually she’s doing just that as she made one last twitter-update to her followers. “I’m off twitter 4 awhile, no stress recovery, but I appreciate ALL the positive energy & the negative 1’s-get a life-I sure appreciate mine.”

We heard you girl and I was reminded of rocker John Mellencamp who also suffered a “mild” heart attack. I can’t remember the exact quote but back in the day he said something along the lines of, you know a doctor will have to explain what a “mild” heart attack is to me someday… It didn’t feel mild. I’m sure Tami knows what he’s talking about.

Props to Straight From the A for the source… Get some rest and get well soon Tami!

Photo: FayesVision/

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