Bachelor Sean Lowe is a born-again virgin, waiting for wedding night

Sean Lowe Proposal on The Bachelor

Even though Sean Lowe found love with Catherine Giudici on The Bachelor, the making love part won’t happen until their wedding night.

“From my perspective, I’ve lived life kind of selfishly for a long time,” said Lowe, a conservative Christian and born-again virgin, in an interview with People. “Now, I’m going to try to live it the way I know to be right.”

Giudici added that she honors her fiance’s decision to remain celibate until they tie the knot. They couple just hopes that day will come sooner rather than later.

“I’m a guy. I’d go to the courthouse tomorrow if she’d let me,” joked Lowe. “We just fit so well together. We both know it’s right.”Sean Lowe People Magazine Cover

Speculation about Lowe’s desire to wait until marriage began when he spoke to Life & Style last fall.

“I do think sex is something special and should be shared with the one you’re going to spend the rest of your life with,” Lowe said. “The physical stuff will always come later.”

Following the admission, Star Magazine reported that Lowe recommitted himself to celibacy after sleeping with as many as four women during college. Eager to change his ways and focus on the emotional aspects of a relationship, Lowe became a “born-again virgin” and has remained that way until now.

During his season on The Bachelor, which just finished airing, Lowe turned down the opportunity to spend a night in a “fantasy suite” with finalists. This bucks tradition, particularly considering Mike Fleiss, the show’s creator, told 20/20 that the average Bachelor sleeps with three women during taping.

After overcoming the fantasy suite challenge, there hasn’t been too much time for sex since getting engaged to Giudici. The couple had to hide their engagement until The Bachelor season finale. And, now that one show is done, Lowe has revealed he is participating in the upcoming season of Dancing With the Stars.

Interestingly, even though the couple agreed to discuss the issue with People, Lowe doesn’t think that his decision to remain chaste is that big of a deal.

“It’s a decision that I’ve made,” he asaid on the After the Rose special. “But I don’t think it needs to be discussed on the show. That’s my personal opinion… For me, it’s a non-story.”

Producers of the show kept Lowe’s decision pretty hush-hush and it was never addressed on the show. The aired footage was also devoid of much talk about Christianity, even though Lowe and many of the participating women are vocal about their beliefs.

Do you think The Bachelor should have addressed Lowe’s religion and/or chastity?

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