Amber Portwood taking parenting classes in prison

Amber Portwood and Leah on 'Teen Mom' season 4

Amber Portwood has been struggling with addiction since the age of 13, and earlier this year it got so bad that she couldn’t even complete drug treatment, opting instead to go to prison. It was certainly a desperate move on her part, but one that could ultimately be a benefit to her and her three-year-old daughter, Leah.

The Teen Mom star could no longer trust herself in the free world with drugs around her and felt as though prison was her only logical option. Now, as she sits in an Indiana prison, she is trying to put her life back together and be a better parent.

According to Radar Online, Amber “has joined the prison choir, is taking parenting classes and even working out.” She’s doing what she can to refocus her life and get involved in better, sober activities. This should help her re-structure her life so that when she’s released, she doesn’t fall back into her old habits.

Amber Portwood and baby Leah on 'Teen Mom'

“Amber is well aware she hasn’t exactly been the model mom for Leah, and she will do anything to make it right,” a source tells Radar. “It took time, but she’s now taking a hard, long look at herself in the mirror and realizing she needs to make it up to her daughter.”

Amber has a hard road ahead of her but what is most important is gaining the ability to parent Leah in a better way. If she can’t do that, then taking the five-year sentence would be worthless.

“The prison offers parenting classes and Amber was quick to sign up for them too – if it helps her be a better mom to Leah, then she thinks it’s worth doing,” the source adds.

Amber Portwood looks to be heading in the right direction. As long as she remains focused on her daughter, she’ll come out of prison a better parent and a stronger person.

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