16 & Pregnant’s Aubrey Akerill arrested for shoplifting, drug possession with baby present

Aubrey Wolters Akerill screen capture from her 16 and Pregnant Season 2b episode

The last time we posted on 16 & Pregnant’s explosive Aubrey Akerill it was about her response to all the backlash that followed a Where Are They Now Special. She was shown during that broadcast talking about becoming a stripper and making out with other girls and of course viewers had quite a bit to say. Well……. I guess they’ll have more to say after it’s been revealed that Aubrey was arrested for shoplifting at a Prescott, Arizona Walmart in an incident that occurred back on May 20, 2010.

So what was Aubrey, 17 at the time, looking to score a five-finger discount on? According to the official police report it was around 30 dollars worth of cosmetics. Big deal right? Well it gets worse because the rebellious young mother had her son Austin with her during the crime. Wait, it gets even worse! When the police arrived and searched her purse they found Ritalin and OxyContin neither of which she had a prescription for.

UPDATE – CLICK HERE to read Aubrey’s response to the reports of her arrest surfacing!

Aubrey was charged with possession of a prescription drug without a prescription, shoplifting and possession of a dangerous drug. And maybe worst of all she was also ordered to stay away from Walmart for a period of one year. Noooooooooooo! After the arrest she was immediately taken to juvenile detention and baby-daddy, Brandon Akerill, had to pick up Austin.

There have been a few followers asking Aubrey about this via her Facebook Fan Page but no response yet as of this post. She made the following comment yesterday in regards to a post about her current apartment and owing money:

From the fan page it appears that Aubrey still has custody of her son and baby-daddy Brandon is still in the picture helping out as this comment indicated:

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