
PHOTO Katy Perry chillin’ with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerburg

Katy Perry is everywhere these days and her latest quest featured a trip to our modern day version of Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, the campus of Facebook! That’s right Perry and her fireworks got a golden ticket and were allowed to roam the campus of the social network company’s headquarters.

Check out the full great and awkward photo Katy posted of herself with CEO Mark Zuckerburg along with her comment about the pic.

PHOTOS Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s humble new home

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is a fascinating young man. At the age of 24 he has amassed billions of dollars but has remained low key to say the least. The film that focused on his life story, “The Social Network” was the big winner at the Golden Globes last night and this success is due in large part to the enigmatic young man who launched a new social revolution.

In keeping with his M.O. Zuckerburg has moved into a new home that by any billionaire’s standards would seem extremely humble. See photos and info for the new digs that Mark calls home.