
VIDEO Willie Nelson high on pot on Larry King Live

It seems like only last week Larry King was bouncing around in Snoop Dogg’s lemon yellow “sunshiningly-pimped-up” 1967 Pontiac Parisienne. But it wasn’t enough to have the second most adored pot smoker on the planet on his show, Larry King had to go out and get the top dogg himself, Willie Nelson! Watch Willie admitting he toked up just before going on the show as well as a duet with Larry on “Blue Skies.”


VIDEO Falcon Heene says balloon UFO story was ‘for show’ on Larry King Live

Unbelievable! Or, if you watched either of the Heene Wife Swap episodes, entirely believable! The Heene family was being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on Larry King Live after it had been revealed six-year-old Falcon Heene was hiding in the attic above the garage the entire time it was believed he might be inside the mylar…

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VIDEO Complete Jon Gosselin on Larry King interview 10-1-09

Here are a videos of Jon Gosselin’s appearance on Larry King Live tonight, October 1, 2009: I literally laughed out loud when I heard Jon’s lawyer speak! This guy is a caricature of a stereotypical sleazy lawyer. I was watching with a female friend of mine and she had the same astonished and humored look…