Hannah Fairlight of Crazy Hearts: Nashville bikini photos, dance video

Crazy Hearts: Nashville Hannah Fairlight bikini

Tonight is the series premiere of A&E’s Music City based reality show Crazy Hearts: Nashville. The network must believe the potential is country strong because they’ve given the series the coveted time slot following cable’s most popular reality show, Duck Dynasty.

One of the up and coming performers featured in the cast is singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Hannah Fairlight. Here’s Hannah’s bio via the show’s official website:

Hannah Fairlight is a tough-chick songwriter, performer and multi-instrumentalist from Lufkin, Texas. Hannah grew up in small towns all throughout the Midwest and backpacked solo with her guitar and lived out of her van throughout the years. Hannah took big risks to gain performance experience and fans and met fellow musicians along the way.  Spontaneous, free-spirited, wildly ambitious and creative, Hannah will stop at nothing to make it.

If the show’s preview is any indication, free-spirited might be an understatement for Crazy Hearts: Nashville’s Hannah Fairlight. At one point we see her sitting at a table saying, “I f**king love that my vagina is just on display in this town.” Then two of her male co-stars joke that they need to “get off the Hannah go-round,” and “no more baHannah split?

Here are some social media links for all things Hannah so you can stay tight, if you didn’t just get swept away, with Miss Fairlight:

Hannah Fairlight: Facebook
Hannah Fairlight: Twitter
Hannah Fairlight: Official Website
Hannah Fairlight: YouTube

And here’s Hannah’s official promo photo from A&E:


I checked out quite a few of Hannah’s music videos that she’s posted and I particularly liked this solo acoustic cover of Tom Petty’s classic “American Girl.” It’s a really cool, churning version that she makes her own:

Hannah and the rest of the guitar-town lovers, fighters and writers of Crazy Hearts: Nashville come your way at 11/10c ATB (After The Beards).

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