PHOTOS President George H.W. Bush skydived for his 90th birthday

George H.W. Bush Skydiving 90th Birthday - Jenna Bush Hager

You thought you were adventurous?! Former president George H.W. Bush marked his 90th birthday today by skydiving in Maine.

According to People, the Bush family patriarch waited until the last minute to make an announcement so he could back out if he wasn’t feeling well or the weather wasn’t cooperating. With good health and environmental conditions, he confirmed his plans on Thursday morning.

No longer able to use his legs because of “vascular Parkinsonism,” the 41st president of the United States did a tandem jump from 10,000 feet. Family members George W. Bush, Jeb Bush, Barbara Bush and Jenna Bush Hager looked on.

This was George H.W. Bush’s eighth time skydiving. The first was an involuntary jump when his plane was shot down above a Pacific island during World War II. He later skydived to mark his 75th, 80th and 85th birthdays. During that most recent leap, he vowed to jump again on his 90th if he was in good health.

“It’s vintage George Bush,” said spokesman Jim McGrath. “It’s that passion for life. It’s wanting to set a goal, wanting to achieve it. I’m sure part of it is sending a message to others that even in your retirement years you can still find challenges.”

Now back on solid ground, the former president will celebrate with 200 friends during a private party near his summer home in Maine.

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