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PHOTO Cast of Celebrity Rehab announced, includes Rachel Uchitel

It seems that Rachel Uchitel is willing to do just about anything (or anyone?) if you throw enough money at her. In an effort to get the Tiger Woods mistress matron to appear on Celebrity Rehab VH1 allegedly doubled their offer and Dr. Drew even payed a personal visit to Rachel. The money combined with a confessed Dr. Drew crush eventually lead to Rachel accepting the offer to be on the show and she will appear alongside a bevy of celebrity C, D and Z listers when the show premieres later this year. Keep reading for a complete list of cast members hoping to quiet their addiction demons under the care of Dr. Drew, including brief bios of each!


VIDEO Was Jeremy London kidnapped and forced to smoke drugs at gunpoint?

Actor Jeremy London (Party of Five, 7th Heaven) was changing his tire in Palm Springs last Thursday when two men stopped to help. After changing the tire, the two men held London at gunpoint and took him on a joy ride that included forcing him to smoke drugs and purchase alcohol to be handed out “in a gang area of Palm Springs!” Keep reading for the amazing story!