Male models check their pockets on the set of the “Money Can’t Buy You Class” music video by Countess LuAnn

Men check their pockets before being inspected by Countess LuAnn de Lesseps

Sexy male models check their jacket pockets just prior to an inspection by the Countess LuAnn de Lesseps in her music video for the song “Money Can’t Buy You Class.”

The music video for “Money Can’t Buy You Class” by The Real Housewives of New York City‘s Countess LuAnn de Lesseps was leaked online Friday, May 28, 2010. Creative director and stylist on the video, James “Jersey” Murray of tells us that, “It was a very select group that had access to the video, so NO – no idea how it was leaked.”

This photo was taken by Perrie Schad on the set of the video shoot and features some studly male model preparing for their Countess inspection.

The song it the first release for The Countess, who has signed a record deal with Ultra Records. CLICK HERE to see the video and more photos by Perrie Schad as well as the complete interview with Jersey detailing what it was like working with LuAnn, plus how they were planning on debuting the video before the leak. CLICK HERE to see hi-res stills from the video.

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