The Real Housewives of New York City’s Countess LuAnn de Lesseps or Sandra Bullock?

Countess LuAnn looking like Sandra Bullock

The Countess LuAnn resembles Sandra Bullock in this screen capture from The Real Housewives of New York City‘s Countess LuAnn de Lesseps’ music video for her song, “Money Can’t Buy You Class.”

The video is quite surreal, starting with a lineup of men that looks like a scene from Schindler’s List! LuAnn chooses the poorest and creepiest of the guys to be her personal corset remover before the video moves on to a bar in which LuAnn wears a bright pink evening gown as the same group of guys ogle her.

The Countess applies her trade secrets revealed in her book Class with the Countess: How to Live with Elegance and Flair by showing one of the men where the salad fork goes, yoinking a cell phone and replacing everyone’s beer with Champagne. That’s followed by a formal Ambien-inspired orgy on the bed and a bunch of boudoir-style shots of LuAnn singing beside a mirror. That’s pretty much it.

I do have to admit that whoever did The Countess’s makeup was fantastic! She looks two decades younger and completely different! There are some points in the video when she looks like Eva Longoria Parker and others when she looks like Sandra Bullock!

Move over Kim Zolciak, there’s a new Bravo Housewife ready to smash into the Billboard charts!

(Click the little left and right arrows to scroll through the screen caps from the video, or CLICK HERE to see the original post with thumbnails of all the pics and the video itself!

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