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Top 10 Jerry Campbell quotes from American Hoggers premiere

Last night A&E released the Campbell family on America as viewers got a double-barreled, two-episode look at what a hog hunting family from Texas is like in the form of American Hoggers. It was a fun ride, and I certainly wasn’t disappointed in catching my girl Krystal “Pistol” Campbell on the hunt, but the unquestioned star of the show is the bow-legged patriarch Jerry Campbell. When he flashes that big ol’ bearded grin and you see the Texas star on his tooth you can’t help but smile. Read on for a top 10 list of Jerry’s zen-like one-liners including, “Colder than an ex-wife’s heart this morning.”

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American Hoggers: Information on why feral hogs are so dangerous

A&E is set to launch the premiere of American Hoggers tonight. It’s a real life drama that centers around the Texas Campbell family as they take on the imposing threat of feral hogs. Jerry, daughter Krystal and son Jason get paid well to hunt down these wild boars but why are they so dangerous and why would folks drop serious bank to relieve themselves of the threat? Read on for a great infographic about the very large, fast, young devouring, razor sharp tusk wielding, pack roaming, damage causing beasts.