Worst Week Ever Returns!

I took a week off from Worst Week Ever because I was to lazy to do it last week. This week there were so many inaugural balls, and drunk reporters on air that I got dizzy! I’m also a little exhausted from watching a president actually do some work, even if he did get a little sassy when reporters tried to ask him some real questions. If this was the, god forbid, third term of the Bush administration, our president would already be on vacation in St. Lucia sneaking Amy Winehouse sips of his Pina Colada and getting deep tissue massages while watching SpongeBob marathons. Actually, I would be doing that right now if I had the $$$, but I’m not the president.

And now, some of the worst things that happened last week, in no particular order:

Worst at zipping his pants: Brad Pitt – I’m sure Angie was happy about you breaking the wax figure thing she had going by looking like a regular person who forgets to zip up now and again.

Worst at showing us real adultery and scandal: Real Housewives of OC, all that build-up and then nothing. We did get to see Vicki fall on her face, which was a good margin behind the Joaquin fall, but still stellar entertainment.

Worst boots, ever! – Pete “Douchebag” Wentz

Worst tattoo: This guy.

Worst at saying no to that 10th martini at 8a.m. after drinking all inauguration night when you have to be on air in a few hours: Diane Sawyer and Anderson Cooper

Worst at being in a healthy relationship: LiLo and SamRo, who would probably both be happier if they ATE once a day and stopped living off of cocaine, Red Bull, and shallow ideas about beauty.

Worst at being great, although he REALLY wants to be: Kanye West

Worst dressed: Miley Cyrus, who was this close to making worst boots as well until Douchebag, not to be outdone, stepped out in all his glory.

Worst use of a paper bag: Shia LaBeouf

Worst case of delusionitis: Paula Abdul

Worst media stunt: Katie Perry’s 5-minute long vow of celabacy.