VIDEO – Tila Tequila claims she’s engaged to alleged thief, Johnson and Johnson heiress and “bajazillionaire” Casey Johnson

Famous Stars And Straps Celebrates Their 10th Anniversary & 10th Album

Tila Tequila again successfully grabbed tabloid and gossip blog headlines by announcing her engagement to wackadoo heiress Casey Johnson.

Casey once attacked ex-girlfriend Courtenay Semal (Who’s dated every celebrity lesbian), prompting Courtenay to set Casey’s hair on fire. More recently the Johnson and Johnson heiress was arrested on grand theft charges for breaking into model Jasmine Lennard’s apartment while she was away for six weeks and taking “jewelry, shoes, 600 pages of a legal document, clothing, and underwear.” She made herself at home while she was there and used Lennard’s vibrator, leaving it on the bed.

Next on Casey’s alleged itinerary was jumping into bed with Courtenay Semal while wearing Jasmine’s underwear. (NY Post) Casey was arrested November 30, and let out on $20,000 bail. She denies all charges, and told the NY Post that “the truth is far different that what Jasmine Lennard has said.”

In case that little fiasco didn’t get her enough attention, Casey, who’s father Woody Johnson owns the New York Jets, proposed to Tila Tequila and joined her on Ustream to talk about it. They made out, Tila flashed her ring, which she says is 17 carats and that Casey can easily afford it because she’s a “bajazillionaire.”

Ms. Tequila (soon to be Mrs. Johnson, if this publicity stunt lasts and if she can work out a good enough prenup) also informed us that all of us have “boughten” Johnson and Johnson products, so we should know how “ballin'” her baby is. Tila has further trouble using the correct words when she announced that they were gonna make love that night to celebrate their honeymoon. Tila also offered to send all of her Army to their engagement party and wedding on private jets with Casey’s “ballin'” money. Casey then offered to send everyone to a private island. They both sounded like they were on something, but Casey had the inflection in tone of someone who’s completely bananas with a side of nuts. People say Tila’s crazy, but she’s really just attention hungry, this Casey girl sounds like someone who will break into your apartment and steal your underwear. See the happy couple below (Spoiler! Tila’s slips a nip at the end!)

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Famous Stars And Straps Celebrates Their 10th Anniversary & 10th Album

CLICK HERE to see Tequila’s naked UStream Rant
CLICK HERE to read about Tequila’s fed with Rihanna