Selena Gomez is NOT PREGNANT, blood pressure issues led to hospital visits

Selena Gomex wallpaper photo from the 2011 MTV Movie Awards

Selena Gomez was rushed to the hospital Thursday night after taping her interview for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno complaining of severe nausea and headaches, which of course sparked lots of rumors that she might be pregnant with boyfriend Justin Bieber’s baby. (You can read all about that and see her interview HERE.)

Those rumors have been all but put to rest today thanks to a report by TMZ that says Selena’s medical problems stem from “blood pressure issues.” Doctors have run a number of tests and have yet to determine what the exact cause of the problem is, but one thing they do know: Selena is definitely not pregnant. Here’s how TMZ phrased it:

Oh … as for the rumors going around she’s pregnant … totally untrue.

I always figured there wasn’t much truth to the rumors, but I have to confess I’m a little saddened by the news. I was really looking forward to the birth of the most gorgeous and talented human on the planet!

That being said – Get well soon Selena! I hope they’re able to figure out what the cause of those blood pressure issues are so you can get back out there being pretty much flawless and enjoying your life as the most enviable girl in the world!

