Johnifer is BACK! Jennifer Aniston Proposes To John Mayer

The Star is reporting that Jennifer Aniston has popped the question to John Mayer only a week after the couple reconciled. A source reports that John wanted to rekindle the relationship and eventually Jennifer agreed, but with strings attached (sorry, John, they’re not guitar strings). One of the “strings” was marriage, and Jennifer made it final by spontaneously popping the question during an private moment.

Jennifer Aniston Proposes to John Mayer
Aniston has been losing tabloid ground to Angelina Jolie, the current hottie du jour of Jen’s ex Brad Pitt. This should help get her back in the headlines, but not nearly as much as our suggestions:

Marry now single Hulk Hogan (Can anyone say, “Hulkifer?”)

Become the Republican vice presidential nominee (Apparently Aniston is qualified. She’d have our vote! It would be nice to finally have a “friend” in the White House.)

Make “Office Space II: From Flair to Eternity” (Please, please, please!)

Take up plumbing and complain to Barrack Obama about his tax plan (Can anyone say, “Jen the Plumber?”)

Set a week’s salary aside and bail out Wall Street!

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