Category: Jim Bob Duggar

Law & Order: SVU is taking on the Duggar scandal — get the details

Law & Order: SVU regularly tackles topics that stem from pop culture news — so it was only a matter of time before Olivia Benson & Co. dealt with a family like the Duggars. Get the details on the upcoming episode, including how it will differ from the actual scandal surrounding the 19 Kids and Counting clan.

Duggar family: Josh Duggar checked into a long-term treatment center, he “brought great insult” to our values

The Duggar family announced today that Josh Duggar has checked into a long-term treatment center that will help with his "journey toward wholeness and recovery." Jim Bob and Michelle also admonished their son's actions. Read their whole statement and find out about the questions it leaves unanswered.

Cops called on Duggars in May when they refused to cooperate with new child maltreatment investigation

According to a new report, local police officers were called to Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's home on May 27 when the parents refused to cooperate with the Department of Human Services. Also–find out how insiders say Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald are really coping...