Category: Christine Brown

SISTER WIVES This is how Gwendlyn REALLY feels about Robyn

Gwendlyn Brown, who is the 21-year-old daughter of Kody and Christine, has started a Patreon and a YouTube channel reacting to Sister Wives episodes. In her first reaction Gwendlyn offers her fair and honest opinions about the second episode of Season 17. One of the truth bombs she dropped was about how she really feels about her father’s fourth (and only legal) wife Robyn.

SISTER WIVES How Kody has pushed Janelle to leave him

For years now Kody has let Meri know that he doesn’t have a romantic relationship with her and doesn’t plan to ever have one. He has also told the Sister Wives audience that he doesn’t consider himself married to Meri and wouldn’t mind if she found a husband. This hasn’t inspired Meri to leave. With Janelle, however, Kody has seemed to been pushing her away. In next week’s episode he gets a little more direct with her.

SISTER WIVES Meri gave all the money from her Vegas house to Robyn

The entanglements of the Sister Wives Brown family finances continue to be brought to light as the family unravels before our eyes. Last week we learned that Janelle Brown gave half of her proceeds from the sale of her Las Vegas home to help Robyn buy her current home. This week we learned that Meri gave all of the money she made from the sale of her Vegas house to Robyn for her house.

SISTER WIVES Kody says Christine turned the kids against him, Gwen says the kids turned Christine against Kody

Kody has said multiple times that he thinks Christine is turning a lot of the Brown family kids against him. In tonight’s episode (Season 17, episode 10) Kody even calls her a “Piped Piper” for leading the kids away. Her daughter Gwen has revealed that it’s the opposite: the kids have actually turned Christine against Kody.

SISTER WIVES Has Janelle already left Kody?

And then there were two?
Kody Brown and Christine Brown’s child Gwendlyn Brown went live on her friend Sarah’s TikTok account on Monday where they answered LOTS of questions asked by Sister Wives fans and spoke about why Kody didn’t sit next to Janelle at their son Logan’s wedding.

They also implied that the only three left “together” are Robyn, Meri and Kody. There are now mounting hints that Janelle may have already left Kody, but she still may be building on Coyote Pass.

SISTER WIVES How much did Christine buy and sell her house for? When did Kody remove his name?

On tonight’s episode of Sister Wives, Christine Brown announces to Kody and her former sister wives that she has a buyer under contract on her Flagstaff home and she plans to move to Utah the following week. The sale of the property seemed like a great opportunity to expand our Sister Wives real estate coverage by doing a deep dive on Christine’s Flagstaff house!

SISTER WIVES Robyn accidentally admits the truth?

At the end of Episode 9 of Season 18 of Sister Wives, which airs tonight, Christine tells Kody, Robyn, Meri, and Janelle that she has sold her house and is leaving in a week. Janelle is happy for Christine, but Robyn is triggered and reads something into the situation that inadvertently reveals the truth of the situation that she’s always unwilling to admit.