Leave Britney Alone! guy Chris Crocker is a porn star?

Chris Crocker in drag leave Britney AloneChris Cocker was in drag, and in full top drama-queen form when he ruled the pop culture viral video scene in 2007 with his “Leave Britney Alone!” performance. It was straight on the heels of massive Britney backlash against her lackadaisical MTV Video Awards performance that sent her and her career into an epic tailspin.

Chris, with his mascara running screamed out against the hypocrisy of those who dared to diss Ms. Spears: “All you people care about is readers and making money off of her. She’s a human! LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!”

It became an anthem for our time, and a huge feat for a vlogger. Skip four years and things have changed. Chris is still vlogging, and blogging,  and still in love with himself, but he now does porn. A diva’s got to make money somehow. But the most shocking thing about his new lifestyle is probably that he dresses like a dude.

He puts up naughty photos on his tumblr blog, and confirmed that he’s taping a “full length porno this summer.” Holy muffins!

Chris before and after gender transformation. He really does pretty well either way:

Chris Crocker is a dude now