Are South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parking going Broadway with a ‘Book of Mormon’ musical?

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

Looks like the lampooning co-creators of South Park Trey Parker and Matt Stone are at it again, this time headed for Broadway with a show called “The Book of Mormon”.  Uh-Oh, this could get ugly folks. 

Never ones to shy away from expressing their feelings about organized religions from Scientology to Catholicism it looks like they have their  satire-cannons focused squarely on the Mormon Church.  “The Book of Mormon” will contrast the tale of two Mormon missionaries with the story of Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism.

Parker and Stone have teamed up with Robert Lopez who is a co-creator of Avenue “Q” which is a successful Sesame Street themed musical for adults.  It probably comes to no surprise to those familiar with South Park that the subject of Mormonism has been addressed before on that very show.

Here is a clip from South Park Season Seven:  All About the Mormons.  For South Park this clip is pretty harmless, as for the rest of the episode well you know.

I’m not much for musicals, be it live or on film but I have to admit I am a big fan of Team America and the South Park Movie South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.  I am glad these two guys are out doing what they do even when they manage to offend me (which they often do and that ain’t easy).

Parker will direct the musical along side Jason Moore (also of Avenue Q) with production handled by Scott Rudin and Anne Garefino.