Scottish Thorne Travel Agency video goes viral, needs to be a Bravo reality show

The Real Travel Agents of Thorne Travel viral video

I think I’ve found Bravo’s next reality show! It’s called The Real Travel Agents of Thorne Travel and it stars the Scotrulescent ladies (and Ian) from this purely magical viral promotional video:

The clip, which Thorne Travel owner Shona Thorne tells The Daily Mail was “supposed to be tongue in cheek,” features eight women dressed in pink and black dresses (and one guy named Ian in a suit) power strutting and spreading magic — converting black and white into color, getting women married, shrinking ship captains, doing acrobatic flips, and transporting people wearing off-brand Mickey and Minnie Mouse costumes through space and time.

The video began to take off after being tweeted by Irish television writer and director Graham Linehan, but it went through a couple of steps prior to that, starting with Campaign magazine Deputy Editor Jeremy Lee:

H/T Jezebel

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