Girl comes out to parents with a cake!


15-year-old Laurel posted on her Tumblr her really cool coming out to her parents story. While her parents were asleep, she backed them an “I’m Gay” cake and left it out for them with a note full of puns. (She also left them dirty pans.)

Good morning parents,

i’m gay. i’ve wanted to tell you for a long time. i thought doing it this way would be a piece of cake. i hope you still love me. i mean, it’s hard not to love someone who baked you a cake.

all my friends know and still love me. your acceptance would be the icing on the cake.

i hope you, much like this cake, are not in tiers.

i hope we can look back on this and say “boy, this one really takes the cake.”

it gets batter.

love, laurel (sorry for so many puns)

My favorite pun: “It gets batter.”

Laurel updated after her mom saw the cake. They hugged and cried together, ate cake, and talked. “I am very luck to have such supporting parents and to have so much support from you guys. Thanks everyone! Have a gay day!”

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