VIDEO Miley Cyrus shown f-bombing paparazzi during ‘LOL’ Germany interview

Part of the deal when you’re a celeb and star in a movie is the endless foreign press appearances you make in promotion of said film. This was the case for Miley Cyrus as she was over in Germany talking up her film that was released over the weekend called LOL. You may have have missed it and it’s being called a flop already even though no one saw any film but The Avengers apparently.

In the following random clip Miley gets asked about one of her favorite, least-favorite topics, the paparazzi. She has some choice words as usual but during the footage we’re show some REALLY choice words. It’s got that odd overseas editing vibe and it is in German but the clip of her running and cursing out the paps is all in English. Check it out!

It goes by pretty fast there at the :49 mark but here’s the direct quote:

“F**k off you dirty f***ing pigs!”

If you just want to skip the German stuff and get right to it we can do that for ya’:

Miley explained-complained about the paparazzi in further detail during the interview:

“The money you gain is a type of compensation for all the hate on the internet and for the paparazzi. You can buy yourself a big house but you’re not able to leave it because as soon as you are out on the streets, its like you’re under fire.”

Props to Allie is Wired for the find!