Is John Travolta costing Housewife Sonja Morgan $7 million?

Sonja Morgan claims that John Travolta is costing her 7 million

An appellate court ruling has enforced a previous verdict that requires New York City Housewife Sonja Morgan to pay $7 million dollars due to a failed movie venture.

This cinematic business deal gone bad features three main parties; Sonja Morgan and her production company Sonja Productions, Richard Rionda del Castro and his company Hannibal Pictures and John Travolta. Wait a minute, John Travolta!?! Lemme explain how Vinnie Barbarino got himself tangled up in this Housewife litigation situation.

We previously reported that Miss Sonja had filed for bankruptcy and a large portion of that in-the-red paperwork was a lost gamble in the film Fast Flash Bang Time which was supposed to star John Travolta. According to Morgan it was actually Travolta’s unreasonable demands that caused the project to fall through quicker than Battlefield Earth.

Mr. Rionda del Castro wasn’t too worried about Travolta, but he was certainly concerned about Hannibal Pictures’ investment in the film. Hannibal argued that Morgan had agreed to fund the film but backed out, which in legalese terms is called fraudulent conduct. He took Morgan to court and won and that ruling was upheld recently by The United States Court of Appeals.

In the film that didn’t happen Travolta was set to play a drug riddled FBI agent. I personally wouldn’t mind Sonja starring in a film called Fast Flash Bang Time but it would have nothing to do with the FBI or John Travolta if you catch my crushin’ drift! (She’s certainly been auditioning for the role on TV every week.) Sorry for the bad news Miss Morgan but if it’s any consolation you’ll always be the one that this blogger wants.

Top Image: Ivan Nikolov/